Celestial Weapons Through The Power Of Yoga & Meditation



<aside> 🏔️ SCENE - The Himalayan Mountains. Arjuna has ascended the highest peaks, in search of the realm of Indra & Shiva...


🧙🏼‍♂️ Merlin: You remember those future “Invisible” people from Costa Rica? They had celestial weapons, even though they didn’t realize it yet...

🏇🏼 Lancelot: They did?! But that didn’t show up on that Income Statement they were going on and on about...

🧙🏼‍♂️ Merlin: Ahh, that’s precisely what made their celestial weapons so valuable... They were able to underwrite their risk better than outsiders, which gave them the confidence to bet on themselves and buy back when all the other investors were selling in fear...

🏇🏼 Lancelot: So how does one acquire celestial weapons, exactly!? In a forge?

🧙🏼‍♂️ Merlin: Oh no, celestial weapons cannot be made in a human forge... they are gifts of the gods to mortals, for winning battles...

🏇🏼 Lancelot: But I have won many battles!

🧙🏼‍♂️ Merlin: Yet still you don’t possess any, because the battles you have won are physical battles. The celestial weapon is the reward a warrior receives for fighting a spiritual battle, an inner battle.

🧙🏼‍♂️ Merlin: Such as...

🏇🏼 Lancelot: Such as...


Carrying his sword and his bow Gandiva, Arjuna strode out of the shady forest into the sparkling light of early morning. Now his life had purpose. He set his course toward the mountains and the realm of gods. He traveled swiftly, through the power of yoga faster than the wind, as fast as thought. The air grew colder when, in just one day, he reached the towering peaks of the Himalaya, abode of snow, brilliant and aloof...

When he reached the mountain Indrakila, he heard a voice say, “Stop!” An old ascetic sat there in a posture of meditation. ”Why do you come armed to this holy place? There is no conflict here, no enemies, drop your bow, your arrow-brimming quivers. In this land, you will find serenity; this is where your quest ends.” The man spoke sternly his expression was forbidding. Arjuna bowed before him, but was unpersuaded —