- Step 1: Check the UCL to see if there’s a “last instance ID” for a given process. Suggest seeing if you can find the one for Atom Finance!
- Step 2: Log in to the DAL (dal.inv.tech)
- Step 3: Click on the first “item” you see, whatever it is. This will take you to the instance view.
- Step 4: Copy the code from the “last instance ID” in the UCL into the url, replacing the current instance ID in the code. (Lots of words..this will be more obvious than it sounds.)
- Step 5: The best data usually lives in two places: the “description” area on the left hand pane (usually, this is tiny text paragraphs). Then if you scroll down, you’ll see bunches of blue links. Look for one that says SOP in big caps.
- NOTE: if you can’t access the SOP, send me the link. I’ll usually be able to copy it and send it back to you. At some point, we’ll get you access too, but for now just ping me.
- Step 6: Sometimes if I want more business context, I’lls croll through the emails we exchanged with the client, which can be easily accessed on the left hand pane, too.
Of note: SOPs are of variable help when trying to determine the value a process delivered to a client. If you need more context, look for the name of the AD and OM in the top left hand corner of the isntance record, and reach out to those folks via slack for details. I’ll show you this the next time we’re on a phone call, but thought I’d write out the instructions.
Video Instructions: https://share.getcloudapp.com/lludXLKR
SOP Links for You:
Google Drive: Sign-in