Imaginary is one of the Divisions of Lightning, and Imagination is its skill. It’s purpose is to teach you how to use your imagination, one of your greatest powers, and one which you’re probably neglecting. The imagination is usually misunderstood. Yet we neglect terms like ‘archetypes’ and the ‘subconscious’, the ‘collective unconscious’ to our detriment.

📕 Imaginary

Do not show up to class if you are a busy professional. Do not show up to class if you already know anything about the imagination. You will be asked to dream and to use your imagination, which may be hazardous. You will be asked to exercise your body and your mind and to do various exercises to shift between states of experience and perception. The magic words which pay for tuition and ongoing instruction are It’s purpose Jungian red book dreams imagination exercises subconscious.

This is a Master’s Degree course by Castælio, taught not by experts, but by amateurs, not by adults, but by children, not by magicians, but by fools, taught by…

Us, yours truly,


Jane Austen, Lou Andreas-Salomé, William Blake, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Shunryu Suzuki, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hieronymus Bosch, Vyasa and other Amateurs-At-Large.

📚 References

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