Access the Operate App by going to
Login using your Invisible Google account
If the Process you are working on requires you to access a website through a Wizard, you will need to install the Invisible Alpha Chrome extension.
Log into Chrome using your Invisible Email Account by clicking on your profile photo on the top right corner of the Chrome tool bar
Click on this link to add the Invisible extension to Chrome
Once the extension has been successfully added, it should look like this
The Operate App’s navigation bar is on the left side.
Processes to be worked on are available under the Work link.
Only Partners and agents working on the Processes that are migrated onto the Operate App have permissions to test and work in the platform.
The list of Processes that are available for working on will be found under the Work link on the left navigation panel.
Bases are tables of data, like a supercharged spreadsheet, that have built-in assignment, automations, permissions, reporting and wizards
You can view bases by clicking on the Work link on the left navigation bar and navigating to a Process.
There are two ways to assign yourself to a task.
You can assign a task to yourself by clicking the Get Next Task button on the top righthand corner of the screen. This automatically assigns the next available task to you.
You can also assign a task to yourself by clicking the Assign button on a Base and selecting Assign to myself in the dropdown menu.
If you are a Lead or Admin, you can assign a task to an operator by clicking the assign button.