S is for swords, for stillness, for strength, for There is Still Strength Left in the world of men!!! (And women, and 🩄s.)

Hello everyone, good morning! Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. For our meeting this morning, we’ve invited our strategy consultant friends to help us make a decision on our budgeting process for next quarter, what should we invest in, or should we even invest at all - are markets going to crash or stay flat or start to go up again, and if so, how high and how far? Well, to frame our decision-making process, they have just one slide, this little two-by-two graph:

😭 Pessimism 🌞 Optimism đŸ˜ŽÂ đŸ€ 
đŸ€“Â Determinate The future is definitely going to be worse, at exactly this date and time, when global warming wreaks havoc, when they launch nukes 🚀, when inequality results in billionaires taking over, and the đŸ„·đŸ»đŸ•ŻIlluminati reveal themselves as tyrants, right before we’re all just exploited and forced to hard manual labor, then turned into bits, then blown to smithereens!!! đŸ€Ż You. Convince me. Tell me exactly how, and exactly why things are going to get better. And why you’re so hopeful about this future, this world you’ll leave us when you’re gone — because you’ll be the one, the one we were hoping for, the one who didn’t let us down, who showed us the way
đŸ˜±Â Indeterminate 😰 Murphy’s Law! Gotta beat Murphy before Murphy beats you! I don’t know exactly how things will fall apart, whether it will be fast or slow, whether it will be today or a long time from now, but I don’t really see what the point of trying so hard is, or the point of life, which is kind of tragic, and probably going to keep getting a little bit worse, worse and worse, đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžÂ although I’m not sure exactly how, or why - why bother. đŸ€• Maybe the future is better than the past, but meh, maybe not that much better. How will it be better? I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine. But it probably has something to do with AI and markets - just sit back, relax, buy some stocks and don’t worry, technology will save us, probably
 maybe. đŸ€Ą

Is there any hope that this war ends, and inflation doesn’t destroy all wealth, and technology will save us, or something else? Sometimes it seems that only a god can save us, which is such a shame, because we’re grown ups, and we know that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy don’t exist - nor can any mortal man or woman or unicorn
 So what are we to do, but look to impersonal forces, class structures, and technology? But don’t worry. Technology will save us. Technology that someone else will build though. Not us. Not me. I have no idea, no ideas, after all, about how to solve all the world’s problems. That’s a bit too egotistical for me. I’ll just tend my garden. Gardening in the apocalypse
 Musing about problems, problems so daunting, we’re probably doomed. But meanwhile, let’s enjoy it
 Let’s sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

<aside> đŸ€ș Is there still strength left? We’re skeptical. Convince us at [email protected].


Why Pretend!?


So go ahead... Convince us. That the work you do is important. That you’re actually
 hahaha!!! Ha! They’re the crazy ones - they believe!

Go ahead. Convince us That 1984 won’t be 1984
 That you’re actually Going to change it -

Convince us that you’re going to change the world.

Every warrior must carry the clan.