Whether for theSilent Poetry or ‣, I want your Dragon Energy on the dance floor, as we, the heroes and heroines and unicorns of A Thousand Faces, journey through these Realms of Gold .

If you forgot to Practice then I suggest you just surrender, this is an experiment — embrace these on life, these celebrations of mirth and movement, this affirmation of all that has been, that has brought us to this moment, this place, together - here, tasting and enjoying, and saying behold, it is good. Insodoing, accepting, forgiving, redeeming the pain and suffering and sacrifices of the past, if only for a brief moment of transcendent ecstasy and hope, inaugurating the future.

I don’t plan to give any speeches tonight, so let me dance, although if the spirit moves us, we have no choice but to profess, as with these words of Tennyson, which I now give to you as tribute:

I am a part of all that I have met.

You are a part of me. I am a part of you. That is why you are here, and why you have a share in all of this, for you are in my life, as I am in yours. And we are e pluribus unum, the many and the one, both, at the same time. A dancing paradox, a happy juxtaposition of contridictions colliding from formlessness into form, rising into the high spires, the noisy streets, the busy professionals of — New York City… resting and rejoicing on this Friday night at September 30, 2022 11:59 PM (EDT), which marks the end of the 7th year of our companionship, into the 8th year, eight - which is the dawn of ∞.

Shhhh…. 🤫 To any members of the press, I ask you to observe Chatham House rules, especially when I tell you that I am under self-imposed embargo, not to tell anyone about a riddle, wrapped in a hypothetical All Hands talk, because what if invisible children could give birth to an infinity parent, who would then give birth to infinite siblings, like a google giving birth to an alphabet, but better - and what if that parent was called the sovereign holdings of infinity corporation, whose logo shall be ∞, and whose birthday shall be October 1, 2022 12:00 AM (EDT), from your birthday, for our birthday, for whom the bell tolls.

Take heart, fear not! For there is still strength left in the world of men (and women and 🦄s), and a bright future remains, desirable and yet still possible, just within reach, as long as fellowship is true. Breathing, joking, playing, laughter, eating, drinking, merry-making, speaking, singing, dancing, rejoicingCelebrating, not like celebrities, but like stars, like star dust, like us… Not just all nouns, but… All verbs are welcome, as are welcome at parties, at the best parties, among dear souls, in sacred moments set apart, for there are parties and there are parties, and this is the latter!

Somebody gave me good advice, but I forget which of you, for you all do, but this advice was as follows: the best parties begin with an intention — which is to express our love and gratitude for our companionship, and to celebrate the present, affirming the past, inaugurating the future, which we shall meet with courage, summoning forth the higher powers within — then there is a journey, which leads to the top of the mountain, at midnight, when a bell will toll, clanging, resounding, sounding the sound of time - Time, but on this night, not just Chronos, but Kairos and Aeon will be present, all The Fates, all coming together, all dancing with us, all meeting here, at this chakra, ‘this point of intersection, of the timeless with time’ - and when that bell resounds, join me in spinning and whirling, ‘at the still point of the turning world’, and moving beyond words, into numbers, dancing… into the darkness, flying… into the stillness.

Then, when, as Chronos is wont to do, the clock strikes 2 or 3, eventually, we will get tired, although there is no time or sound limit, and Kairos and Aeon are always present, even when well disguised… Yet we are mortals, so when, we inevitably, say our goodbyes, or Irish, which is totally okay, I just want you to remember this… remember this night, as a token of my gratitude, from the depths, for having me as part of your life, for welcoming me in, although I was for you, at some time, and may be again, a stranger or a fool - and yet you were good to me, and so I will seek to

Tonight, I bid you - if only for tonight, wear your true raiments, put aside your petty disguises, and be the professional that you are, professing, perhaps not in prose, for once, or even in verse, but breaking out into song and dance, as the music of the spheres moves us….

Eternity is in love with the productions of time.”

***“If The Doors Of Perception were Cleansed every Thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite ...

For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”***

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand .… And a Heaven in a Wild Flower ... Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand .. And Eternity in an hour.”
