Whether you are from the West or from the East, from Persia or Spain or England fair, whether you are from the lineage of my father or my mother, or brothers and sisters from other fathers and mothers, whether you are bound to me by blood, by the blood in our veins or the blood which I would gladly spill, for we share 99.9% DNA similarity with all of humanity, so it is the spirit of humanity which you, my nuclear family, and its orbiting molecules, whom I thank for connecting me with the Great Chain Of Being, and for teaching me to chant, these ancient songs of Gaia, which have come up from the earth and its peoples, from the depths of time, and which move through us now, tonight.

Celebrate with me, just as I am your heir, and ask for your annointment and blessing, patriarchs and matriarchs, princes and princesses, I give you mine and you are mine, for...

I am a part of all that I have met.

Especially tonight. So thank you for the priceless gifts I shall never repay, for the education and for the meals, but most of all for the conversations and the actions and the love, and I bid you, please, lead us in the dance…



