Ahaṃkāra (Ego or “I-Maker”)

Ahaṃkāra (Sanskrit: अहंकार, meaning “I-maker” or “ego”) refers to the sense of individual self or ego-consciousness in Indian philosophical systems, particularly in Hinduism and some Buddhist contexts. It is the aspect of the mind that creates the sense of personal identity, or the notion of “I” and “mine.” The term is derived from aham (meaning “I”) and kāra (meaning “maker” or “doer”), indicating its role in constructing the sense of self.

In the Sāṃkhya and Yoga schools of Hindu philosophy, ahaṃkāra is one of the key components of the mind, part of the antahkarana (inner instrument), along with manas (mind) and buddhi (intellect). Ahaṃkāra arises from the interaction of buddhi (discriminative intellect) with prakṛti (matter), leading to the sense of a separate individual self. In these systems, ahaṃkāra is considered necessary for functioning in the world but is also seen as a source of attachment, ignorance, and suffering, as it reinforces the mistaken belief in a permanent, independent self.

In Advaita Vedānta, ahaṃkāra is regarded as an illusion (māyā) that obscures the true nature of the ātman (the true Self) and Brahman (the universal consciousness). The ego, or ahaṃkāra, leads individuals to identify with the body and mind, fostering a sense of separation from the rest of reality. The goal in Advaita Vedānta is to transcend the ahaṃkāra through spiritual practices and self-inquiry (ātma-vichāra), leading to the realization that the individual self is not separate from the universal Self, Brahman.

In Buddhist thought, the concept of ahaṃkāra aligns with the idea of the false sense of self or ego, though Buddhism goes further in rejecting the existence of any permanent self (anātman). Ahaṃkāra, in this context, is part of the delusion (avidyā) that leads to attachment, craving, and suffering. The goal in Buddhism is to overcome this deluded sense of self through the realization of the interconnected, impermanent nature of all phenomena.

In both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, ahaṃkāra represents the ego-driven sense of self that is tied to attachment and ignorance, and spiritual practices aim to diminish its influence to attain liberation. While necessary for navigating worldly life, overcoming ahaṃkāra is essential for realizing one’s true nature beyond the confines of the ego.


अहंकार Ahaṃkāra