Sankhara, one of the five aggregates (स्कन्ध Skandhas) in Buddhism, refers to mental formations or volitional activities. It encompasses all mental states, including thoughts, emotions, intentions, and attitudes that shape our actions and reactions. Sankhara is responsible for the formation of कर्म Karma, as it drives intentional actions that have consequences. Understanding Sankhara is crucial for recognizing how our mental patterns influence our behavior and perpetuate the cycle of suffering (संसार Saṃsāra). By becoming aware of and transforming these mental formations, practitioners can develop greater mindfulness and move towards Nirvāṇa — liberation and enlightenment.

स्कन्ध Skandhas

Buddhist Lexicon

कर्म Karma

सङ्खार Sankhāra

स्कन्ध Skandhas

karmic formations