👑 Theoden speaks:

To whatever end…

Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?

They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow…

The days have gone down in the West.. Behind the hills into shadow…

How did it come to this?”

🧙🏼‍♂️ Gandalf speaks:

Theoden King stands alone.

🏇🏼 Eomer speaks:

Not alone. Rohirrim!!!

That is how you make me feel, most days, my friends who have become mafia, my mafia who have become allies. Not alone, do I stand. Nor do you. For I will ride for you, when I hear the horn, and if my help does not reach you, you will know it was only because somehow I was prevented - for I pledge my alliance, my forces and realms, such as it is, such as we are, in weakness or in strength, to your cause, so long as it is just, so long as we clasp our hands in the noble sign of a handshake of trust and mutuality… for you have earned that trust and recognition… so I bid you, tonight, there are no emails to send, no zooms to attend, nothing to do, but to drink and make merry, to feast and to dance…

But just in case I don’t get to tell you this in person, know

I am a part of all that I have met.

Especially you. And as you know by now, I believe in the principle of alignment - alignment of incentives, alignment of care and concern - and so you may have guessed already, that you have a share in all of this, even as a manner of speech, which this may be, or not.

You are honored allies within this companionship of A Thousand Faces, and I welcome you to this, our The Infinity Party!!!

Strength & honor.

